Last Kitchari |
Last day, I feel a little sad that it's ending. It's also Saturday and the energy is different, more quiet. The focus of the day is the lungs. Lots of breathing in the posture and long pranayama practice. Tea and kitchari to support the lungs as well.
Today it's like an awareness of reality. After realizing what is "wrong" in my life comes the "well, what do I do now?" Perfect moment to breathe!!!!
We also talked about the transition out of Kitchari diet, introducing slowly different food and maybe a time to sort out what is important or not. I can't wait to eat a banana with ghee tomorrow morning!
For the grande finale of my day I did a long self-Abhyanga followed by a bath with essential oils. Delightful:)
I feel serene and content.
This is clear, Yoga and Ayurveda are my home. Whatever I do this is my foundation, my roots. I will keep some of the routine like the daily neti pot, nasya, oiling the body along with yoga, pranayama and meditation. Danielle told me that rituals were important for me so I have to pay attention to that. It's not about what I do but how I do it. I've decided to study again the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. I am giving myself a week to find how I can organized my day, changing some stuff around.
About the diet, I realized that I needed four small meals as if I do three they are too spread apart and I am hungry and weak. There is some food/drinks that I can eliminate too.
I want to focus on my dream too, on what really drives me. Because if I don't do that then I am not fully myself but a shadow.
This retreat brought me clarity, strength and faith. Very nurturing loving time with a wonderful teacher. I am very grateful.