
We are spoiled

We are spoiled by life and I am so grateful for all I have.
This is a taste of our weekend...

Strawberry snack at the beach.

Exploration time. With the winter storm, lot of sand moved away from the coastline uncovering rocks. The difference is impressive for us. I guess by living in Hawaii where the change of season is pretty mild compared to other places, we start to notice the more subtle changes.

When molly and I are exploring, O. is running (and stretching).

And of course life wouldn't be complete for me if there wasn't some cuddling time with my mare:)



A night with Ana

Saturday night was not as quiet as the day and hurricane Ana put up a show for us.
We had a night of lightning and thunder!

For the little I could sleep I dreamed about .... thunderstorm! Great!
Luckily the show ended up around 4am so I could get some real sleep. 


Hurricane weekend

Hurricane Ana is visiting the island this weekend. Well, fortunately not too close but close enough to have rain. And tonight we can see the lightning far away. When you see the satellite photo it is quite impressive! I am so thankful that it stayed offshore so far.

So actually today it was a great opportunity to relax at home. Doesn't happen often as we usually spend a lot of time outside.
Starting the day by reading.

Enjoying the sound of the rain falling.

Later Molly and I decided to bake some Madeleine!

Yummy dough;)

Ready for the oven.

And ta da...

A good yoga practice to finish the day.

Overall,it was a good day:) Now I hope Ana keeps going west and leaves the island peacefully.


Day 5 & Conclusion

  • Day 5

Last Kitchari
Last day, I feel a little sad that it's ending. It's also Saturday and the energy is different, more quiet. The focus of the day is the lungs. Lots of breathing in the posture and long pranayama practice. Tea and kitchari to support the lungs as well.
Today it's like an awareness of reality. After realizing what is "wrong" in my life comes the "well, what do I do now?" Perfect moment to breathe!!!!
We also talked about the transition out of Kitchari diet, introducing slowly different food and maybe a time to sort out what is important or not. I can't wait to eat a banana with ghee tomorrow morning!
For the grande finale of my day I did a long self-Abhyanga followed by a bath with essential oils. Delightful:)
I feel serene and content.

  • Conclusion

This is clear, Yoga and Ayurveda are my home. Whatever I do this is my foundation, my roots. I will keep some of the routine like the daily neti pot, nasya, oiling the body along with yoga, pranayama and meditation. Danielle told me that rituals were important for me so I have to pay attention to that. It's not about what I do but how I do it. I've decided to study again the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. I am giving myself a week to find how I can organized my day, changing some stuff around.
About the diet, I realized that I needed four small meals as if I do three they are too spread apart and I am hungry and weak. There is some food/drinks that I can eliminate too. 
I want to focus on my dream too, on what really drives me. Because if I don't do that then I am not fully myself but a shadow. 
This retreat brought me clarity, strength and faith. Very nurturing loving time with a wonderful teacher. I am very grateful.


Yoga Retreat Day 3 & 4

  • Day 3

Early morning before heading to retreat
Different energy today. I feel a little tired and quiet. The focus on the day is the liver. Danielle asked us to be grateful for its amazing job throughout our practice and the day. The posture and pranayama aimed at building some heat and getting liver emotions out. Well it worked as in the afternoon I was feeling irritated. Like a toxic emotion getting out of my system. So I was actually happy to feel irritated and angry:)
We also reviewed the different constitutions (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). It's good to refresh the mind and get a reminder of what is good or not for each of them.
As soon as we get more balanced everything is so much easier!

  • Day 4

When I left the retreat today I thought I never felt so good in my life and body since a long time. Woke up with this beautiful serene and happy energy this morning and enjoyed every minute of the retreat. The focus was on the lymphatic system today. We did a great practice of yoga moving the spine. The meditation was with a gemstone comb that we blindfolded choose. I got the Crystal Quartz. Of course it makes so much sense, stone of light, clarity, healing.
After the retreat I went to see my favorite massage therapist, Karen. She did a lymphatic massage. So powerful. I love the softness and gentleness of it. It really touches  the being beyond the physical body. 
Another beautiful day.


Yoga Retreat Day 1 & 2

The retreat consist of daily practice of yoga, pranayama (breathing practice) and meditation along with only Kitchari as meals.
My goal: reconnecting with myself and find clarity.

Our place for the morning

  • Day 1
1st day Kitchary

It feels really good to spend a morning in Yoga. I feel a little rusted although I practice yoga at home. I am more stiff. I feel my psoas in the posture (triangle, warrior, etc), not sure if it's good or not but I trust the process.
Kitchari morning, afternoon and night.
Afternoon with my horse.
Evening self Abhyanga (massage with oil).

The opportunity of doing the cleanse brings awareness of how the body and the mind works. For example I am not hungry but I crave for my "cote d'Or" chocolate:). It's more the habit of having seeds, chocolate, cheese at specific time of the day that I miss. Almost more a behavior problem then really the food itself.
End of the day, I feel very calm and light inside. My psoas and my lower back don't hurt. I don't feel anything. Yeah:)

  • Day 2

I was very happy to go to the retreat this morning. Today the focus was on the kidney and the theme of the day was kindness and gentleness toward ourselves. Danielle asked us to treat ourselves today like we do with the person we care the most and we are the nicest. Very good practice for me as I tend to put everybody's need before mine. We did a very gentle yoga practice. The pranayama was very powerful.
Things are getting clearer for me. Being immersed into the yoga/ayurveda world reminds me how much I love it, how much this is me. Also as I detoxify my body, my mind, I start to see what is toxic in my life and where I should and shouldn't put my energy.

Our backyard where we take a digestive walk.

Fall is a difficult time of the year for me, even in Hawaii. Because of my constitution (body nature or type. I am a Vata) I am easily out of balance in the fall season (it's the season when the Vata dosha predominates). I can feel it in every aspect of myself: my joints, my digestion, my emotions, my skin. This retreat is so welcome to help me balance.


Mini Yoga Retreat

Tomorrow I will start my 5 days mini yoga retreat and I am SO excited about it because I so need it!

I hurt my psoas a few weeks ago and my lower back is still not very happy. My body is very tired from work. Believe it or not but it's been more than a year now that I didn't have more then two days in row off. I worked all the holidays, every week with some weekends too. So as we can expect, I am tired physically but also mentally.

I see this cleansing as an opportunity to take care of my body, to give it a break and to give it love and attention. I eat well and always on Triphala. I don't feel the urge of a physiological cleanse but I know it will have an impact on the mental too. I feel I need to dust my mind to see my path again. I need to connect with myself. I need fresh prana.

So for a week I won't work also! It's my vacation:) Ok I am still planning to go to the ranch to see my horse but I want it to be only quality time with her. I am thinking of the beach too but I really have to be organized! I am also planning of receiving a massage.

Can't wait!